
CR-1000 蒸熏爐

CR-1000 蒸熏爐

佛山國新創銳機電是一家集研發、制造、銷售、技術服務于一體的智能化食品機械設備制造商, 產品新穎、自動化程度高、品質優良、多年來深得用戶好評及信賴。我們專注《CR-1000 蒸熏爐》生產制作,如有什么疑問,歡迎致電給我們。


CR-1000 蒸熏爐 產品詳情

1. 采用可編程控制器和大視窗觸摸屏控制,生動直觀地顯示設備運行狀態,可顯示并控制溫度、濕度、時間等工藝參數,并可在生產過程中隨時調節參數。可進行單工藝操作,也可將九個以下的單工藝任意組合成配方進行生產,可存儲100 套不同配方。

2. 本機具有蒸煮、梯度蒸煮、發紅、干燥、加濕干燥、烘烤、煙熏、清洗等功能

3. 全新的智能排風和加溫功能,可實現干燥過程的快速升溫,提高生產效率、減少熱能損耗。

1. PLC and touch screen with a large window are used to display the running state of the equipment vividly and intuitively. It can display and control the process parameters such as temperature, humidity and time, and the parameters can be adjusted at any time in the production process. It can be used for single process operation, or any combination of less than nine single processes into a formula for production, and more than 100 sets of different formulas can be stored.

2. The machine has the functions of steaming and cooking, gradient steaming and cooking, reddening, drying, humidifying and drying, roasting, smoking and cleaning.

3. Its new intelligent exhaust and heating functions can realize the rapid heating in the drying process, improve the production efficiency and reduce the heat loss.

CR-1000 蒸熏爐

CR-1000 蒸熏爐

上一篇:CR-500 蒸熏爐
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